Affirmation & Authority


“I never knew what I wanted to do when it was time for me to go to college.”

That could be the cry of the millennial generation, but it could also be true. It was for me.

Growing up, I rarely knew what I was good at. I felt affirmation through sport, but that was just about it. Rarely did I ever hear anything about excelling in a particular subject in school, and without that affirmation, i felt a lack of ability to capitalize on any certain subject or career field when it came time to move on to university.

I lacked authority, affirmation and acknowledgment.

This morning, I was reading about the time Jesus first called his 12 disciples together to send them out. It caught my attention that before giving them instructions on what to do, He gave them authority to do it. He instilled them with authority and power in who they were and who they were created to be. That felt important, and it felt like something I have lacked in my own life from teachers in the past.

Maybe you feel the same way, maybe you don’t, but whatever side of authority you sit in, use it to encourage, affirm and equip someone today. It could change a life and a future.


Cliff’s Note: Share authority. Give Purpose.