"Hey man! Lookin' good. I almost wore that same pullover. It sure has been a long time."
"It sure has, man. It sure has."
There's nothing like seeing one of your best friends for the first time in a long time. Sure, in a world full of technology, it's easy to keep in touch through texting, social media and phone calls, but there's nothing like reuniting after a long time apart.
Life goes on. The sun goes up, and then it goes down, and days turn into weeks, while weeks turn into months. The older you get, the faster time seems to go, and before you know it, it's been a year since you've seen someone you used to see every day. It's funny how life cycles through like that.
Meeting up with old friends is priceless. There's so much to catch up on, and it always seems like there's so little time to do it in, whether it's over a meal, a beer or a day-long visit. Life happens. There are new achievements, new relationships and new stories to share, but there are always loads of old memories to reflect on- memories that only you and that other person or people know and can reminisce on.
This week, I've had the chance to meet up with a few friends I haven't spent much time with in more than a year (and two friends I haven't seen in five years). I've landed in a situation where I'm finally in the same city as some of my best friends again, and I couldn't be happier about it. It's a blessing, to say the least.
With as much as I've enjoyed meeting up with new friends recently, I want to encourage you to do the same thing. Sometime this week, I challenge you to meet up with an old friend, an old roommate or an old family member you haven't seen in a long time. If you have the time, make the effort and drive a couple hours to do it; it will be worth every minute, and if you have the money, buy the person's dinner or coffee; it'll be worth every cent. Reminisce on the old times and talk about the new. It'll be the highlights of your week.
Cliff's Note: There's no friend like an old friend.