Cliffhangers: Oct. 25 - 31

A list of some of my favorite articles, photos, videos and good news from the week:

A funny article here by Jon Acuff on 'Halloween Hating:' Stuff Christians Like

Teenagers in Michigan created a pallbearer program to carry homeless war veterans in their final hour. Pretty cool: Good News Network

Here's a good article summarizing some of the conflict in the Middle East: Relevant

Some cool photos photographers took to prove hope in humanity: Huffington Post

A really great video explaining possibly how/why Donald Trump's campaign is so successful: Storybrand

A great read on the difference between resting and being lazy: Relevant

An Oklahoma artist wrote a song to remember the lives lost in Stillwater, OK this past weekend: Pistols Firing

Finally, my favorite Halloween clip of all time: "I got a rock" = my life.

Happy Halloween, everyone!
