Celebrating Selflessly


This morning, I had a friend invite me to his bachelor party. I’m not a groomsman, and I have only known this guy a few months, but he still felt like he wanted me to be a part of the day celebrating his next season of life. When he invited me, I responded horribly, and now I feel terrible about it.

I could blame it on being caught off guard, or I could blame it on being 6a when he invited me, but I’m going to choose not to. Instead, I’m going to blame it on this fact: that more times than not, I value my plans, my happiness and my joy over celebrating other people.


That’s a hard truth swallow and think about. It’s gutting to reflect on having someone ask you to be a part of a once-in-their-lifetime celebration and to not respond with love, joy, thankfulness, excitement and brotherhood, but instead to respond with, “I think I have some plans that day, but let me see what I can do.”

If I had been him and gotten that reaction, I think I would have been pretty hurt, and I’m pretty sure that’s how he felt too.

It wasn’t a proud moment, but it’s certainly a moment to learn from, enough so to process, write about it and share it with you, reader(s): Loved ones deserve to be celebrated at all times, even when those times aren’t always what’s most convenient for oneself.


Cliff’s Note: Celebrate must be selfless.
