There’s a line from a song that i love stuck in my head, which is much better than having a line from a song you hate (or an entire song you hate) stuck in your head.
The lyric is, “Speak up now. Have you said it before? Why don't you say it again, a bit louder?”
And I’ve been trying to figure out why I love that line so much, why it feels so relatable. And I think I’ve put my finger on it - I’m quiet.
For the most part, especially in big groups of people I don’t know exceptionally well, my voice doesn’t carry. I don’t know if it’s my natural tone, mumbling or a lack of confidence, but often times I say things, and they won’t be heard. It could be a joke that I’m not sure anyone will get, it could be an idea or even just a question. But no matter what it may be, it typically comes out quietly and can go unheard except for a couple of people who are close by. And it’s always those people that I wish would ask me:
“Speak up now. Have you said it before?
Why don't you say it again, a bit louder?”
Cliff’s Note: Speak up.