Some of God's Promises


“You are blessed because you believe God will do what He said.”

That was a verse from the book of Luke that I read this morning in the Bible. It struck me with a question, “How often do I really believe God will do what He says, what He promises?”

Often times, God’s promises feel far away and bigger than intervening with the individual moments of everyday life, which is possibly why it’s been hard for me to focus on believe God’s promises. His promises consist of things like saving the world from sin, bringing Heaven to earth and making all things new - all very big promises. All very important and beautiful promises, but also ones that don’t feel like they can be a part of our everyday provision. It’s hard to focus on those promises. The ones like taking away our anxieties if we cast them on them, or that He will clothe us better than fields of flowers and provide for us, more so than He does the birds. Those are the promises I often times try to take on doing myself, rather than relying on Him. Maybe that’s why they are harder to remember and harder to belive.


-Cliff’s Note: Take all things to Him who provides all things.