Not Worth Reading But Worth Relating To


Here’s an average day summed up in fifteen minutes.

Ready, go.

Waking up was a delight. 5:30a came in hot, and the gym got even hotter with a killer workout. After finishing that up, I had a brekkie of yogurt, toast and fruit. How about them apples?

Just kidding. I didn’t have apples.

Following that up, I spent nine hours at work by myself in a jail cell of a room and talked to a total of two people throughout that entire time. I was productive, but also not that productive. I ate healthy. I did some work. I broke my phone. Ya’ win some, ya’ lose some. Ya’ know?

I also had a major God-check moment tonight while I was driving home… But I can’t for the life of me remember what it was right now. But trust me, it was good.

And in spite of all of that, tomorrow will certainly come, and there’s nothing you or I can do about it. For better or for worse, the sun will come up, with or without us. And that somehow makes me feel better about all of today, even whilst this post sounds mostly like a diary entry.


Cliff’s Note: There’s bound to be average in the above average.