Nature's Colors


Have you ever noticed how each time of day has its own color scheme?

The afternoon has it blinding, bright whites and yellows. The evenings have their warm oranges, purples, laced with deep blues. And the morning has it’s shimmering, light golds, muted whites and low blues.

This morning, the sun is coming through my window. The gold light is dancing between the tree branches, reflecting the muted greens of leaves and casting light to the shadowed browns of tree bark.

The morning is probably my favorite light. It’s the light I chase the most. It seems to bring me the most peace. I don’t think i’ve ever regretted getting up for a sunrise, and if I knew I were to die tomorrow, I’d want to make sure I got to see one more before I departed earth.

It’s amazing what the colors of nature can bring. Whether you’re spiritual or not, they bring their own spiritual experience to any moment, and the world would be bleak without them. Colorless.


Cliff’s Note: Don’t forget sunrise. The best entertainment. It’s new every day.