Is Unity a Moron?


This morning, I was thinking about how unity is a moron - an oxymoron.

Unity feels like an ambiguous term, in that it’s an immeasurable word with a moving target. Your definition of what unity looks like is probably going to be different than what my definition of unity looks like, based on whatever situation we happen to be in. There’s no clear definition to it, other “Let’s all just get along,” which isn’t really a definition that solves many problems at all.

For this reason, it feels like unity is ambiguous, and that saying that unity is ambiguous is an oxymoron, or a figure of speech in which contradictory terms appear in conjunction.

Unity - joined together as one
Ambiguity - the quality of being open to more than one interpretation

Maybe that’s why striving for unity is so hard - everyone’s version of it looks different, so there’s no set benchmark, and just as there’s no set benchmark, there’s never any easy answers. The chase for unity is foggy and never quite in focus until it’s right in your face.


Cliff’s Note: “Let’s all just get along” doesn’t cut it anymore.