The other day, I had a bombshell dropped on my head, figuratively of course. It was a news bombshell - one of those times where you hear something totally unexpected and out of the blue, and it takes you several hours to recover. That bombshell hurt.
I hadn’t had news hit me like that in quite sometime. It wasn’t anything life-altering or earth shattering, but there’s something about feeling in the dark that’s scary, and we all know that the dark can be a scary place.
You can’t see what’s in front of you, what’s making noise or what may be creeping up behind you. And that’s kind of how it feels when you’re left in the dark in the communication world, too.
This had me thinking about how communication really is key; it’s key to not only addressing what needs to be addressed, but even more so, it’s key to maintaining relationships.
Lately, I haven’t been paying attention to communicating well in my own relationships, even in marriage. I’m not always communicating what’s going on in my head, at work or in other friendship circles, and i’m sure that’s hard for my wife, my best friend, to feel slightly, if not fully, in the dark sometimes. And that’s not fair, and it’s not healthy.
So, is communication a key on your keychain? Or do you sometimes leave it in a door somewhere, like me?
Cliff’s Note: Communication can provide light in darkness.